22 December 2007

Give One. Get One

Some of you know that my new project in Uganda is to get a group of "total orphans" (here that means they've lost both parents) set up to go to school through an organization I was recently connected with here (Teso Widows Development Initiative, or TEWIDI). But that's another blog. As I'm researching all the possibilities, wanting to develop the technological exposure and education of the next generation, my mind was brought back to the One Laptop Per Child vision. It's a very exciting opportunity, bringing not just a laptop, but a whole new look at education and creativity and indeed the world to some very isolated and deprived (in many ways) children. It's certainly something I'd like to look into for the future of the school. But in the mean-time, you have an awesome oppotunity to donate one of these laptops to a child in one of the countries participating in the program at this still early stage. If you opt for the "Give One. Get One." choice, you recieve a laptop and a child in Afghanistan, Rwanda, Haiti, Cambodia, or Mongolia will recieve one. I know it's a little late in the season for gift buying (the whole idea of Christmas is just starting to sink in for me here on the equator, where it feels more like July than December), but it's certainly not too late, and the Give One. Get One. campaign runs till Dec.31. So check it out, even if you can't buy one today it's really interesting stuff--and worth knowing about to consider in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
