17 April 2014


I catch people humming or singing to themselves ALL THE TIME ... unfortunately, they usually aren't really displaying great musical talent, ha! But they are truly enjoying themselves and that always makes me smile.

Pharell Williams' song "Happy" is a global pop hit it seems, and people all over the world are making their own versions of the upbeat music video. So, since these videos keep popping up on social media, I'm going to share with you these glimpses into cities all over Africa. The "Happy" video below from Brazzaville is thus far one of my favourites. I haven't seen one from Uganda yet, which is actually surprising. Kampala is a 24-hour city that loves to have a good time! I think I've been out till after 5am more often in 7 weeks in Kampala than in years anywhere else.

Follow this link to see the full playlist on YouTube of Happy video remakes produced all over Africa. And of course from there, you can tour the world!

1 comment:

  1. Well clearly me and Uganda are in sync, cause this just posted on YouTube!: http://youtu.be/8ckHi6z6fdw
