29 October 2007

Movin' Out

That's right, I'm moving out of the US and into Africa! After a brief stint in NY/DC, I should arrive in Uganda on Nov.16, where I will be for nearly 3 months helping to do some research related to the mental health of a displaced group (Acholi) from the north of Uganda. Hopefully I will also get to do some rafting at the source of the Nile, trekking on some 16,000+ ft. volcanic peaks, see some of the biggest waterfalls in the world, and maybe even spy on a mountain gorilla (and lions and giraffes and rhinos, oh my!). Of course that all requires cash, and since I will be a student again come Feb, that is one thing I'm short on. That's ok though, because I'll be a student in fabulously beautiful Cape Town! where I'll busy braai-ing and kloofing and diving (did you just hear Bob Barker announce that in your head? I did!). But only when I'm not busy studying, of course.

Really though, I'm very excited at the prospect of living in Cape Town and getting to know it apart from the tourist track. It's an incredibly dynamic city and there's a lot to learn about development, conflict, education, race relations, the role of nonprofits, and so much more.

So here's to the unknown, to finding my groove, to international living, and to being a positive force in society! Cheers!

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