11 September 2007


I've been irritated by MySpace for a while, and after trying to write a letter for a grad school application I've realized just how poor my writing has become. So I'm here to challenge myself. Here to express my thoughts, concerns, and musings. Here to share my experiences, knowledge, and questions with whoever wants to read and hopefully respond with some knowledge or questions of their own. Mostly I'm here to relearn how to put my thoughts in writing. (Which is scary because that's always been how I best expressed myself and organized my thoughts.)

My life, as usual, is currently in limbo. I'm am without a doubt not happy to be living in the states. While I love the Rocky Mountains and hate to miss the ever-changing wonder of my 2 year old nephew, I feel more displaced at home than I do abroad. Few Americans understand this, and as of yet I can't better explain it, all I can say is that my soul calls me out. To the unknown and the scary. To where there is suffering and hardship and joy. Far from malls and fashion, BMW's, pollution, the rat race and suburbia. I don't care about toilets or running water. Give me a mud hut in the desert, a cabin in the mountains, a shack in the jungle, as long as I'm part of a community that I can bring some hope and joy and love to. I don't care about celebrities and certainly care even less about celebrity gossip. I want to know and be around those society likes to ignore and oppress. This is why I want to travel, live, and study abroad. Specifically in the developing world. So this is where I start. We shall see what follows: volunteering in Uganda? grad school in Cape Town? work in Sudan? Here's hoping.

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